Aromatic plants and oils have been used for several thousand years as incense, perfumes and cosmetics, as well as for medicinal purposes.
Since Vedic times, aromatic plants have been used actively for therapeutic purpose affecting the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of an individual.
The word ‘Aroma Therapy’ came into existence in 1928 and was first coined by René-Maurice Gattefossé, a French chemist. Rene was a part of his family’s perfumery business. He became fascinated with the therapeutic properties of essential oils when he burnt his hands accidentally and discovered how ‘lavender essential oil’ helped heal that wound rapidly leaving behind no scars.
Magnified, Magnified healing, Angel Therapy, Aroma Therapy, tarot Card, Ayurveda, Astrology, Numerology, Holistic Healing Runes.
These essential oils acts on the body as a whole and have three clear modes of action namely:
Pharmacological :
- Chemical changes take place when these oils enter the bloodstream and react with the hormones and enzymes.
Psychological :
- The individual’s response to smell; when inhaled.
Physiological :
Their action on the body.
- It is acknowledged that these oils calm our nervous system, helps in healing our physical disorders and relaxes our mind. One of the most satisfactory aspects of using these essential oils medicinally or Magnified, Magnified healing, Angel Therapy, Aroma Therapy, tarot Card, Ayurveda, Astrology, Numerology, Holistic Healing Runescosmetically is that they enter and leave the body with great efficiency leaving no toxins behind.
The Workshop Includes
- Introduction of 20 Aromatic Oils
- Learning the method of their use and their mode of action on human body
- Guide to Chakras and Essential Oils
- Aromatic Massage (with proper blending of oils)
- Aroma Oils for Beauty and Health (hair, skin, women, pregnancy, men, mind, children etc.)